Lido Helpcenter

Find all your answers on ETH staking over there!

Written by Mike
Updated over a week ago

Lido is a liquid staking solution for ETH 2.0 backed by industry-leading staking providers including P2P Validator. Lido lets users stake their ETH - without locking assets or maintaining infrastructure - whilst participating in on-chain activities, e.g. lending.

For more information on what Lido is and how it works you can visit Lido´s Helpcenter

For more information on staking Ethereum (ETH) with P2P Validator, visit

You may also be interested to read our FAQ for Ethereum staking: Ethereum (ETH) Staking FAQ

For additional staking support, visit the P2P Help Center.

You can also get in contact with our community on telegram or with a live agent by selecting the speech bubble on the bottom right of this page.

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